Specializing in historical and genealogical research in Ohio, West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania. Extensive experience in other regions of the U.S.

Services include one-on-one instruction and consultation, document retrieval, indexing, lineage applications, transcription, and family history and historical research.

One-hour presentations that are both informative and educational are available for your society meetings. All presentations include a Q & A period and handout.
Do you need help identifying your ancestors? Are you trying to find out if a story handed down in your family is true? Perhaps you have always wanted to join a lineage society. Maybe you are the family genealogist and just need guidance or suggestions for further research.
I can help with all of these projects as well as a variety of others. My mission is to provide sound genealogical research that adheres to the standards of the field. I am very fortunate in that I am doing what I love to do — researching and writing.
Let me help you find and document your family’s history